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Time is Money

The Biden-Harris Administration is cracking down on all the ways that companies—through paperwork, hold times, and general aggravation—waste Americans’ time and money. This includes things like being forced to wait on hold just to get the refund you’re owed; the hoops and hurdles to cancel a gym membership or service subscription; the unnecessary complications of dealing with health insurance companies; the requirements to do in-person or by mail what could easily be done with a couple of clicks online; and confusing, lengthy, or manipulative forms that take unnecessary time and effort.

Learn more here.

Interested individuals and organizations are invited to use this form to share:

1. your experiences with corporate practices that have wasted your time or money, and
2. any recommendations for Federal actions to help give Americans their time and money back.

Responses to all questions are voluntary and optional.
Submitter Information - page 1 of 2
Feedback - page 2 of 2

Response to this form is voluntary. Any information submitted in response to this form may be used by the Biden-Harris Administration in any manner, including publication online and on social media platforms. Do not include in your submissions any information you would not like to be made publicly available (including personal identifying information, confidential information, or copyrighted information).

By responding to this form, each respondent (individual, organization, or legal entity) warrants that he, she, or it has the right to use and share, any information, text, or works included in the submission, and that the submission does not infringe any copyright or any other rights of any third party of which participant is aware.

Individuals and organizations who respond to this form may be contacted for additional clarification or follow up.

An official form of the United States government. Provided by Touchpoints